The 2021 Yellowknife Tennis Season is Happening!
City of Yellowknife guidelines for court usage
- No more than 50 people within space (participants & spectators) at any time.
- All spectators must maintain a physical distance of 2 m or more from persons who do not reside in the same household.
- Players should physically distance where possible.
- Children <12 years engaged in outdoor play or sports are not required to maintain a minimum distance from one another.
- Face masks should be used whenever a physical distance of 2 m cannot be maintained.
- Do not use space or play if sick or not feeling well.
- Ensure proper hand sanitizer is used (self-supplied), including before and after entering the courts and use of any equipment.
These City of Yellowknife guidelines are posted at the tennis courts.
YK Tennis Club plans and guidelines for the 2021 season
- Tournaments will go ahead in June-September, and will follow the City of Yellowknife court usage restrictions.
- Clinics will go ahead from week beg. May 31. These will follow the City of Yellowknife court usage restrictions. Clinics will be limited to 25 people (23 players + 2 coaches). Players will be encouraged to sanitize hands upon leaving and entering the court. Clinics start and end times will be staggered to avoid crowding.
- The clubhouse will be open for Club staff and members for bathroom and drinking water access, with the following restrictions:
- Maximum 2 people in the clubhouse at any one time, and must maintain physical distance of 2 m or more apart.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided at the door. Must clean/sanitize hands at entry and exit.
- Soap will be provided in the bathroom and kitchen sinks.
- Staff will ensure sanitation and disinfection of used surfaces (counters, door handles, drinking water tap, bathroom taps) when closing up the clubhouse. Cleaning supplies will be provided in the clubhouse.
Recommendations for YK Tennis Club members
Before play:
- Please do not use the facilities if you are sick or feeling unwell.
Preparing to play:
- Bring hand sanitizer. Sanitize hands upon entry to tennis court.
- Clean your equipment, including your racquet(s) and water bottle. Do not share equipment with other players.
- Avoid touching door handles, gates, benches, net posts, or other objects other than your own belongings. If you touch something, make sure to wash your hands.
While playing:
- Avoid physical contact with other players. Do not shake hands.
- If using the benches on the sides of the court, use one bench per player.
- Should a ball other than yours wind up on your side of the court, where possible avoid handling it. You could use the head of your racquet or feet to send it back.
After playing:
- Sanitize hands upon leaving the tennis court.
Expectations of YK Tennis Club
- YK Tennis Club will continue to share news via e-newsletter that goes to every member (past and present). Club guidelines and recommendations will be emphasized in each newsletter.
- YK Tennis Club board meetings will be held by video conference or outdoors and physically distanced.
- Membership fees will be accepted online only.
- YK Tennis Club volunteers will regularly sanitize surfaces on the courts (handle of court gate, net posts) and inside the clubhouse.